الجمعة، 27 مايو 2011

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  • Santabean2000
    Apr 28, 01:05 AM
    *crosses fingers for other surprise*
    (Thunderbolt ACD..?)

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 27, 02:59 PM
    Blu Ray is becoming more and more of a reality. :)

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  • Wiggleforce
    Sep 1, 10:54 AM

    http://uppix.net/2/8/3/8d80e216336ae2398952d10b5dc14tt.jpg (http://uppix.net/2/8/3/8d80e216336ae2398952d10b5dc14.html)

    Awsome interface you don't want so share? Orginal wallpaper, dock and icon links, please?

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  • manueld
    Feb 16, 01:48 PM

    itunes lp and itunes extra for developers is what i think you're looking for.

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  • Mord
    Feb 22, 06:33 PM
    i think my record for a day would be about 20-30.

    that summer sucked, twon months of mediocre weather and xbox live :(.

    i just remembered for a long time when i was a n00bie here i thought that all demi god's were moderators :o strange when i look back :), i'll be contributing as soon as the system is fixed, i want my mug god damn it.

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  • harry*333
    Jun 2, 08:27 PM
    this is my first planning on making two more :D

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  • tommyh84
    Apr 12, 10:47 AM
    There you go


    Thanks a lot :)

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  • solace
    Oct 9, 03:01 PM
    it's live!



    plus even if you bought Tweetie 1 and now buy Tweetie 2, that's only $1 more than Echofon Pro, SimplyTweet, and a bunch of other clients.

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  • NT1440
    Dec 1, 04:56 PM

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  • macman134
    Oct 2, 11:34 AM
    new mac, new desktop
    sooo much faster than my old g4 ;)

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  • MacRumors
    Feb 9, 10:07 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2011/02/09/atandt-launches-unlimited-mobile-to-any-mobile-calling-requires-unlimited-messaging/)


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  • Freg3000
    Feb 12, 03:07 PM
    Very nice selections, they are certainly very appropriate members to become moderators.

    However, do you think we can change edesignuk's official title from mini-mod to mod mini, more inline with Apple's product naming scheme? :p

    Good luck all of you.

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  • enda1
    Jul 26, 06:06 PM

    Wonder what price they will be by christmas (i bloody hate the term 'the holiday season'!!) anyone any thoughts?

    New toast sounds tasty also. Drag and drop will be nice. I hate the procedure involved in burning discs.

    Though this will I'm sure require some little toast prog to run in the backround, which is one of my big windows hates!!
    Embed that feature in leopard I say.

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  • R.Perez
    Apr 16, 04:29 AM
    Red is screwed, yellow is sucky, green is above replacement... You don't want birth rate to drop below 2.1, Turkey the only country above replacement is 2.14...
    http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9463/europepopulation.png (http://img826.imageshack.us/i/europepopulation.png/)


    The only meaningful way to save the red countries from depopulation is to eliminate access to birth control and abortions. Places have tried to boost birth rates, it hasn't succeeded.

    We don't have enough resources, especially in developed countries that consume most of the world's resources for what you're advocating. If anything we need significantly lower populations in Europe and North America.

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  • codymac
    Jan 13, 02:09 PM
    Volkswagen should bring the Polo to the US.

    A diesel Polo would be great for my commute. I'd be all over that.

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  • Doctor Q
    Dec 16, 11:01 PM
    Please do not start duplicate threads.

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  • Phil A.
    May 4, 06:10 PM
    But the whole point is that in a "regular" war, we are far more likely to capture regular grunts or low level officers who have limited intelligence to provide.

    Don't you think capturing KSM, who was one of the leaders of Al Qaeda is very different ? The guy obviously knows a great deal, and obviously will not easily divulge that information.

    That doesn't make it acceptable to torture him (or anyone else) - you can't win a war against terrorists by becoming a terrorist. Where would you draw the line and how do you determine that the line is in the "correct" place?

    If you say it's OK to torture someone who knows a lot but won't tell you what he knows, how do you determine he's not telling you everything and therefore sanction torture? Before you know it, you are sanctioning torture against everyone "just in case" and it then becomes a routine part of any interrogation against anyone you capture.

    I know there are no easy answers to this, and I don't know how I would react if my daughter's life was at risk and could be saved by torturing someone, but I do know that torture is wrong in and of itself and cannot be justified from a moral perspective

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  • Biscuit411
    May 1, 06:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    This instantly made me think of Laputa: Castle in the sky as well as the Laputa in gulliver's travels.

    This is great news if it means the end of mobile me. Die Mobile Me - DIE DIE DIE. Anything will be better than the self centered sounding @me.com. I simply will not use the email address in a professional context. Don't mind @Mac.com, and still use it, but @me.com sends the wrong message.
    Also, this.

    As big a fan of the film, and Miyazaki, as I am, I'm not sure the end of the film would make for a good analogy!! 'Store your data with Apple: watch it crumble into the sea or float off into space!' :)
    That's already happening. I got an email from Apple tonight telling this was the last reminder they were going to give me to update my calendar on the MobileMe systems to the new version otherwise I'd lose the ability to sync it and wouldn't be able to view it online, either. Which sounds like they're going to delete it for all intents and purposes. :rolleyes:

    I bet the only reason it's required I click something to perform this update is because it entails agreeing to a new EULA with some nefarious new terms or requires I start using the newest version of iCal to sync with the online calendar (which, coincidentally, isn't available for the version of OSX I have, which coincidentally requires me to buy a new Mac to run). :rolleyes:

    I'm in the same 'no iCal sync unless new Mac' boat as SeaFox. I can't even upgrade my iPhone or wife's iPod touch without a new computer. I know tech marches
    on, but it still sucks. Come on new Mini!

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  • Alisstar
    Apr 6, 11:45 AM
    Petabytes didn't exist in my dictionary until today. Thank you, MacRumors.

    How many gigabytes is a petabyte anyway?

    Mar 23, 01:59 AM
    Ok apparently there are different Applications provided from Hamachi. You just have to pick the right one.
    Why do they even write different applications and not an all-in-one one ?

    Sep 27, 02:34 AM
    they deleted a lot of my messages with an overly aggressive server-side spam filter.

    Overly aggressive? I'm currently forwarding all my .Mac mail through Gmail because I got sick of so much junk mail -- 20 messages per day, usually more -- getting through from .Mac to my inbox. I actually thought they didn't have any spam filters at all.

    Mar 31, 08:53 AM
    mmm - Geekbench score 732. woohoo

    temp is sitting at around 46-47 degrees C or 117 degrees F at idle. A bit better than before the MX-2 paste.

    Lets see what 2Gb of ram does

    Oct 2, 02:01 PM
    Here's mine for October. Gave up the stock Mail.app for Postbox 2.0.

    Nov 20, 02:16 PM
    i've sort of dismissed the iphone rumors in past, but the ichat connection makes it sound like something that could well be and soon. but the wifi phone sounds like an effort to build up ichat. why not?

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  • PlaceofDis
    Mar 20, 10:48 PM
    its actually for 3rd party accessories for the ipod

    the thread is here:

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  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 20, 06:23 PM
    I'm sure this data will be coming to a Keynote near you.

    The trend is your friend, and unless Apple can turn it around, the trend is clearly moving toward a marginalization of iOS.

    The trend does not say what you think it says.

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  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 7, 12:01 PM
    DO Want :D

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  • Jonasgold
    Apr 4, 01:49 PM
    Sure. If that's what it takes, let's uncheck the box by default and let Apple provide the info to the publishers.

    Apple does allow opt-in, just not opt-out. So the problem lies with the FT.

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  • wilheldp
    Apr 28, 11:21 AM
    I stopped reading right there b/c I don't believe that.

    It really hurts my feelings that you don't believe me. I had 3 different phones with Verizon (a cheapy Qualcomm, a RAZR, and a Blackberry), and none of them ever dropped a call. Whether or not you believe that is inconsequential to me.

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  • mzd
    Aug 6, 03:34 PM
    the song is pretty cool. vid is strange as hell. :p

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  • benthewraith
    Dec 1, 05:58 PM

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  • calzon65
    Apr 27, 04:19 PM
    Don't worry somebody's already working on an app to block the tracking. You can bet on that:D

    and watch, Apple will ban that app.

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  • Unstupid
    Apr 13, 07:24 PM
    Apple already released a new iPhone this year... remember? The one that works on a CDMA network! You really think they would put all that work into rolling out the CDMA iPhone 4 in February then turn around 4 months later and expect these people to buy an iPhone 5? You know how many pissed off Verizon people there would be? June 2012 at the earliest... ;)

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  • wattso
    Jan 10, 11:10 AM
    Does anybody know the name of the song from the new ipod advert that was shown? Thanks

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  • skunk
    Apr 4, 06:28 PM
    Thisthere are women who get sexually assaulted regardless of what they're wearing.
    and thisit's women (the prey) who first need to stop dressing provocatively and more with class, and then men (the predator) will stop the sexual assaults.
    don't seem to add up.

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  • Pgohlke
    Feb 12, 06:17 PM
    Work for Gimp. And if they do, at what extent. I know it can't replace it guys, but I'm not too big on graphic design and wanted to delve a little in it first.

    not really. Some of the tools are similar, but for the most part the menus and tools are completely different.

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  • laurim
    Nov 19, 12:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    It goes to show you that they can still make a profit with $100 off. I guess the price gouging by Apple continues.

    That's not necessarily true. Stores routinely sell items at a loss to draw people into the store to buy other things. Those kinds of items are called "Loss Leaders". Soft drinks are another example of a typical loss leader for grocery stores.

    Unauthorized selling of premium products is called "diversion" in the industry. Many of my clients make premium hair products that are supposed to only be sold in high-end salons that have a special relationship with that producer. Companies like Aveda and Sebastian don't want to see their products in, say, Target because it cheapens their image and weakens the cache salons have to exclusively offer those products and educate the client on how to use the product. Often, the products in retail stores are old versions, rejects and downright fake copies of the real thing and when people aren't happy with the product, it casts a bad light on the brand. Companies spend a lot of time and money tracking down the people who are making back alley deals to the retail stores and cutting off their supplies.

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  • Laird Knox
    Apr 6, 01:33 PM
    Just wondering if anyone agrees. That amount of data isn't that big when you think about it..

    It's not like they are fixed at that number.

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  • Deechh
    Sep 3, 09:49 PM

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  • flgator85
    Feb 11, 10:42 AM
    I currently have 850 family plan with unlimited family texting. I tried to sign up with a CS rep, but I was told that my 850 min family was not eligible. I guess that I will keep the extra 150 min rather than drop to the 700 min family plan. Has others with 850 family plan been able to add this new messaging plan?

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  • NoShoreGuy
    Apr 18, 08:52 AM

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  • InsiderApps
    Jun 23, 07:02 AM
    Anybody else in Peterborough, UK and going to the O2 Shop tomorrow? I'll be at the one on Cathedral Sq. :)

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  • jeffreytb
    Apr 24, 09:44 PM
    I installed windows on my imac and later deleted the partition. But now when i boot it says something like no bootable devices in like this black screen. I know to hold the option key to select OSX but i need to know how to make it boot automatically. Any help?

    Oct 2, 05:55 PM
    Here's mine for October. Gave up the stock Mail.app for Postbox 2.0.

    Could you post a link to the original? I really like that.


    Aug 9, 09:41 PM
    My first desktop pic of my first mac. It is awesome :D

    Sep 26, 11:57 AM
    ...Ok, I am 47....to paraphrase IIRC Chris Rock (or maybe Eddie Murphy), in my youth a shot cured you, but this ****** kills.". In my youth we did not have AIDS or Herpes...
    If you're 47 you were ~23years old when AIDS hit the headlines. When did your 'youth' end? Oh and I'm pretty sure herpes was about, but it shows how bad sex education either state or parental must've been back then!

    ...Except if you want to have a drink!...
    Again it seems society differs between the US and many other places. I could legally drink in restaurants with my parents and I think it's legal to drink from 16years when you're having a meal with at least one person over 18years at the discretion of the restaurant although most won't serve to protect their own license.

    Apr 7, 02:40 PM
    I know in 10.4 you can enable the machine as an xgrid client. Can you run the server portion in 10.4 or do you have to have the 10.4 server?

    According to this macosxhints article (http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050610040807931) you can with a bit of tweaking and some free apple server app downloads.

    Apr 20, 05:47 PM
    Mi powerbook g4 wont boot. I just erase and reinstal mac osx, reset NVRam, and use disk utilities to repair HD. But nothing seams to work and in fact i belive it came out worts. The sytems works perfect in safe mode, but in normal mode it just stay in a blue screen, the fan continue to work but nothing else happens.

    I reallyneed help because no mac service will be available for some days and I am in desperate need to work on my laptop.

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  • Diatribe
    Feb 15, 08:32 AM
    Good God Edesign you caught that Napster double post in less than a minute. :eek:

    Is it a bird? Is it an airplane? Is it a UFO? No it's Superedesign :D

    BTW, I think you are doing a terrific job wastelanding. (Did I just say that out loud? :eek: :D )

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  • Hisdem
    Oct 10, 11:08 PM
    ^What did you use to make the menubar black? I see you have white icons and not the silver ones included in the maxthemes one. :p

    And updating, with black menubar and GeekTool.


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  • AWallen90
    May 2, 12:19 PM
    Yes, System Preferences > Security > General > Disable Automatic Login

    Thank you r.j.s I was wondering the same thing.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 09:41 AM
    Versus IOS devices that can run 100% of the apps?

    I'd like to see your numbers as well, as honeycomb is supposed to be where it's headed, and last I checked, there weren't record numbers of developers flocking to that iteration of the OS.

    That isn't entirely true. iPhone 1,1 (and soon iPhone 1,2) users can't run all apps. Anything that requires 4.0 (probably 4.3~5.0 for iPhone 1,2) won't run. Neither will things that require a certain amount of horsepower (say like Infinity Blade).

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  • Vitruviux
    Mar 10, 06:24 AM
    OK, thanks!


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  • Graeme43
    Apr 10, 11:11 PM


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  • Revlefty
    Dec 30, 05:21 PM
    From my parents;
    Red Wii & and Donkey Kong Country
    Some paint and canvas
    Couple hundred in cash

    From my GF;
    Pair of Puma shoes
    AE Jacket
    Abercrombie Sweatpaints
    Halo Reach
    All 4 seasons of Futurama
    A really cool ostrich case for my iPhone 4
    $50 Gamestop card for both of us from her aunt

    What I got my GF;
    iPhone 4 from my parents and coach keychain
    2 Remetee shirts
    a Sinful shirt
    Coach purse
    Hollster pants, sweeter shirt
    Family guy movie and seasons 1 & 2
    Victoria Secret bra and panties and some lingerie(More for me then her ;))
    New dressy sandals

    Her dad and step mom got us one of those fancy single cup coffee makers

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  • JoeG4
    Dec 25, 01:05 PM
    Man some of you guys really got lucky hehee

    I got a g2, a wacom and a nifty sweater which I prettyvmuch all picked out lol.. somehow we all pick our stuff iin my family because we're just that silly hehe.

    merr christmas :)

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  • SchneiderMan
    Dec 15, 02:02 AM
    re link please, the link goes to a small version

    Sorry here you go (http://www.gadgetmac.com/picture/up_design_by_halpha-d32hze2.png?pictureId=7843099).

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  • amcanh
    Aug 6, 10:06 PM
    I acquired a Lacie 300736U DVD light scribe. It has no cables and looks to be in very good condition. I am wondering if it can be connected to a dell T2642. If so where can I get the needed cables and software? I would really like to try light scribe.

    DVD+-RW 8X4X12 FIREWIRE Designed by F A Porsche 514

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  • Frankydan100
    Apr 4, 05:35 AM

    Another Slightly Stoopid shot this month

    How do I get my dock to look like this anyone???

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  • EricNau
    Oct 5, 05:05 PM
    Sounds good to me.

    I've been waiting for drag-and-drop tabs for awhile now.

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  • SpanishUser
    Oct 6, 11:12 AM
    I did, in fact, mean using JavaScript on page load to disable the user from changing the size of the textarea, not within my browser. It's like using CSS to disable the dotted border Firefox puts around links when they are active.

    Form elements, and the divs that contain them, often need either fixed widths or have widths that are proportional to their containers.

    Take Google (http://www.google.com). Depending on how the layout is set up (this is just hypothetical), resizing the search box would push those three links next to it off into oblivion if they were all in a div that was fixed or proportional to the page width. It doesn't matter if Safari "dynamically redraws the page" since the div would still be calculated to be the same. Worse yet, depending on its overflow attribute, they could be pushed onto a new line.

    I'd really not like to see Safari become the next IE 5. It already has its share of JavaScript bugs. This would just mean us designers would have to spend that much more time envisioning what would happen if a user resized every form element on every page and incorporating it into our layouts. This is why I hope there's a way to disable it outright.

    I hope you remember the user CSS take precedence, the user can choose a minimum font size and run an extension like nonscript to firefox so by default
    no javascript would run.

    The Web is based in that is the reader the one that decide how a page would look if you do not like that begin to design magazines or book.

    Note: the noscript funcinality is something I would like to see added to safari.

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  • PBF
    Mar 14, 12:32 AM

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  • Doctor Q
    May 2, 05:11 PM
    Platelet donations take longer than blood donations (at least an hour longer in most cases). You can donate platelets much more often because your body regenerates them so quickly, in a matter of days instead of months. Some people feel temporarily light-headed after donating blood, which is why they insist that you rest and have a snack afterwards. That happens less often with platelet donations.

    One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!

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  • outlawarth
    Apr 25, 07:42 AM
    Apple really wants to squeeze out all potential sales of the iPhone 4 up until the last minute because they lost big time in 3GS sales for nearly 2 months after the leaked/stolen iPhone 4 incident.

    I really hope that they will still push out the iPhone 5 in June despite all the rumors that it will be postponed to September.

    That's what I'm hoping too for when my 3GS contract expires this summer.

    But a white iPhone 4? No thanks Apple.

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  • alent1234
    Mar 25, 11:51 AM
    I think google has a lock on the map thing. I can't see apple employees driving around remapping the world to get their own data base

    google maps itself is pretty crappy compared to Bing maps and some of the higher cost mapping solutions out there. google maps is hardly ever updated

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 2, 10:29 AM
    Alright thanks a ton guys will fold for a long long time.

    alright! thanks! let us know if you have any problems or issues and we'll try to help you out.

    we just got passed by another team, so we are now #61. and we will get passed again in less than a month. we have got to get more people involved!

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  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:26 PM
    and what if experience has shown that these "enhanced" techniques actually produce less information than standard techniques? If you're interested in a discussion as opposed to simply defending "enhanced" techniques, take a look at the video at the link that citizenzen posted.

    And if reports are accurate, KSM actually pointed attention away from the courier in question with his responses under "enhanced" questioning. It took another informant to refocus that attention.

    I've seen that video, and I think I heard that guy saying the same thing a few years back.

    As for your second point, I have also heard that it the strength of his denials regarding the courier in question that helped build the case.

    Lord Blackadder
    May 4, 07:07 PM
    Ok, I'll go first. E.I. = torture, and where is the line to hook electrodes up to KSM's balls?

    Good. Let's keep the language clear an unencumbered with euphemism. Too bad nobody in any official capacity will do so - it is highly disturbing that our elected officials choose to lie about something that is obviously an open secret.

    Now, the fact of the matter is, torture is unconstitutional, and the US is a party to a UN treaty outlawing torture. So I don't understand how it can possibly be legal under any circumstances. We are in breach of our own constitutional principles as well as international law.

    Torture is wrong. I cannot support it as policy. As much as I recognize the need to gather intelligence from all sources including prisoners, I simply cannot speak out in favor of torture. It's not something that our society should value or accept, even against our enemies. Furthermore, it sets a bad example both internationally and at home.

    Oct 11, 02:28 PM

    Sep 27, 01:32 AM
    Virus protection? Useful perhaps, what with all the viruses on Macs now-a-days.

    I'm sure a lot (if not most) users of the .mac webmail interface are accessing it from a Windows PC. So yes, virus protection makes a lot of sense here.

    Apr 29, 11:21 AM
    For specific fair use (http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html) purposes determined at the copyright clerk's sole discretion "jail braking" cellular phones is legal under current D.M.C.A. anti-circumvention exemptions. (http://www.copyright.gov/1201/) You'll be seeing these ads until at least 2012, when the statute expires until otherwise renewed. Not surprising that Google is advertising perfectly legal activity, considering that they advertise everything whenever they can.

    Oct 9, 05:25 PM
    I though this was an upgrade from Tweetie 1 and now i have to pay again for the same app :mad:

    Not the same app, totally new app.