الخميس، 9 يونيو 2011

time zones of world

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  • ns33
    03-12 03:35 PM
    refiling perm and 140 may be to help you promote from eb3 to eb2 category and still let you keep the old PD.
    Also, refiling could be required if your job categories are changing. from technical to managerial or so.

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  • lazycis
    02-12 03:42 PM
    I am not sure what my status is at present.

    I re-entered in US in Dec 12th 2007 with the I-94 stamped as valid till duration of H1. My H1 Visa expired on Feb 6th 2008.

    My company lawyer has filed for my H1 extension in Nov 2007 and I am still waiting.

    I do have the EAD permit and the AP which I presume is not being used at present.

    Please provide some guidance. My lawyer is not responding.

    First of all, you cannot be out of status while I-485 is pending. Your H1 status is expired so technically you do not have H1 status anymore. However, if extension is approved, it will apply retroactively and make your H1 status current as of Feb 7th. Oh, forgot to mention that you can still work for 240 days after H1 is expired and it will not be counted as status violation.

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  • chanduv23
    07-10 01:20 PM
    It appears to me that we should file all I-485 applications in July. Even if the advantage is illusory or marginal, it may be a good idea to file. If your application is ready to go, it should be filed. Regards. Rajiv.

    time zones of world. Five Time Zones The World
  • Five Time Zones The World

  • fullerene
    12-14 09:29 PM
    I received an invitation letter from Congressman Marty Meehan to attend the town meeting at 10am 12/16 at UMass Lowell.


    Although the topic of the meeting is "Climate Change: Local Solutions to a Global Crisis". But it will be a good chance for us to meet congressman.

    Congressman Marty Meehan is Fifth Congressional District of Massachusetts He does not support the CIR but he do support the elimination of backlog of GC. He is a member of both the House Armed Services and Judiciary Committees.


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  • chakdepatte
    01-04 08:33 AM
    i called them after 90 days. they had no clue why it was not processed so they threw in a RFE for fotographs. send response, all cleared. in 15 days.

    if ur case goes beyond 90 days, dont hesitate to call. all my 10 yrs with USCIS, They are are simply lazy and only know how to raise fees keeping immigrants as hostage.

    All the best.
    Oye chakdepatte

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  • eborbust
    07-01 09:19 AM
    To Administrator: Why are you deleting my post. I am just copy pasting a PURE TRUTH i.e. a TEXT OF LEGISLATION. I am not making up things. There are many other threads where people are just discussing unnecessary stuff. I am just saying that legal immigrants who have not yet applied for EB should contact congress to include us in any kind of amnesty - not exclude us. How does this view go against anybody in this forum?? Infact it will benefit everybody. A "blanket" amnesty will give everybdy a GC including those who have and those who havent applied for EB yet.

    I am not saying the 2009 or 2010 CIR would definitely exclude legals in US from amnesty but we should contact congress and white house that it should not happen like the it was almost going to happen in 2006.

    Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

    Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)


    (a) Short Title- This section may be cited as the `Immigrant Accountability Act of 2006'.

    (b) Adjustment of Status-

    (1) IN GENERAL- Chapter 5 of title II (8 U.S.C. 1255 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 245A the following:


    `(a) Adjustment of Status-

    `(1) PRINCIPAL ALIENS- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including section 244(h) of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall adjust to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, an alien who satisfies the following requirements:

    `(A) APPLICATION- The alien shall file an application establishing eligibility for adjustment of status and pay the fine required under subsection (m) and any additional amounts owed under that subsection.


    `(i) IN GENERAL- The alien shall establish that the alien--

    `(I) was physically present in the United States on or before the date that is 5 years before April 5, 2006;

    `(II) was not legally present in the United States on April 5, 2006, under any classification set forth in section 101(a)(15); and

    `(III) did not depart from the United States during the 5-year period ending on April 5, 2006, except for brief, casual, and innocent departures.

    Under any such plan, an Illegal guy living in US for 2 or 3 years will get green card before a legal guy on F1 visa or working on H1B living in US for 2 or 3 years.

    We should all contact congress to not to limit any kind of so called "Legalization or Earned path to Green Card" to illegals in US only. Legals should also be included. BUG THE WHITE HOUSE AND SENATORS FOR THIS OTHERWISE YOU'LL BE LEFT OUT. ACT NOW...


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  • samcam
    10-24 01:54 PM
    Thanks for responding. What happens when we get a RFE or NOID. Could we respond by ourself then? My case is not complicated at all. As straight forward as it could get.

    I am going to search in this forum for sample covering letter. But if anybody has the info handy please let me know.

    Thanks guys!

    Why do you want to spent $2000 for lawyer for AC21? If you have same or similar offer letter, why cant you type a simple covering letter for your AC21?Do it yourself. US certified post cost around $2.00. Hiring lawyer for AC21 is waste of money.

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  • EB3_SEP04
    01-29 11:23 AM
    what is bc & nabc?? :(

    Birht Certificate/ Non Availability of Birth Certificate


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  • ameryki
    01-08 10:14 PM
    People who filed I-485 after the July fiasco (starting with the August 2007 bulletin) paid a higher initial fee ($1010) - but they don't have to pay any EAD & AP fee - either the first time or for any renewals.

    Look at the "Special instructions" sections of the following URL:


    so those that didn't pay the new fees when they filed 485 but paid the new fees for renewal of EAD and AP what happens to them? do they also get free renewals?

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  • international time zones

  • snowcatcher
    05-31 10:07 PM
    Hi guys, this is a good article to present to someone as proof of marketability of high skilled people across the globe and the competetion companies face in recruiting them.

    The Boston Globe


    Author(s): Diane E. Lewis, Globe Staff Date: May 30, 2006 Page: A1 Section: Business

    Five years ago, US firms were wooing India's computer science graduates with lucrative job offers and a chance to live in America. Now, it's India's turn.

    Infosys Technologies Ltd., a leading Indian software provider, will spend $100 million over the next year to hire and train 25,000 workers and college graduates culled from around the world, including from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. of Bangalore will add 30,500 employees over the next year, including 1,000 from the United States. In a case of reverse offshoring, Indian tech companies are beefing up their staffs by hiring Americans and foreigners to work in India. They also are opening offices around the world and recruiting local staff. The firms are launching the global recruiting effort because of labor shortages in India. Indian companies are expanding beyond data entry and back-office processes into areas such as design, research and development, and sophisticated business applications that require highly skilled workers.

    Tata hired John Dubiel, 59, of Westford in November. Dubiel spent two weeks in India, learning about the firm's products and meeting his Indian counterparts. Dubiel now works out of Tata's Boston office as an executive helping North American companies solve their business problems with technology.

    "The major difference between working for this company and an American firm are the time zones," said Dubiel. "Because TCS is global, the sun never sets on us. It is not unusual to make calls at midnight or at 4 a.m."

    For years, US companies have imported talent from the two Indian firms, saying there were not enough technology workers here. However, lengthy delays due to immigration issues such as caps on the number of H1-B visas for foreign professionals prompted Indian companies to develop another strategy.

    "They said, `Let's train people in the United States or India and make them an extension of our offshore team in the United States,' " said Gary David, an associate professor of sociology at Bentley College. "So, Americans are now becoming the offshore component for foreign firms."

    Currently, more than 10,000 American expatriates work in India for Indian information technology consulting and other outsourcing firms, a number that is expected to grow, said John McCarthy, vice president of Asia Pacific research at Forrester Research in Cambridge.

    Meanwhile, American firms seeking to reduce labor costs are stepping up offshoring efforts and will be sending more white-collar jobs abroad. McCarthy estimates that US employers will move 3.4 million jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by 2017. Those jobs will include positions in technology, finance, life sciences, human resources administration, and business management. Most will be jobs that do not require face-to-face time with clients.

    Analysts from another research firm, Gartner Inc., based in Connecticut, say that outsourcing of IT jobs from the United States, Europe, and other major regions to developing countries will increase to 30 percent in 2015, up from under 5 percent today.

    But as US firms seek to cut costs, Indian firms Infosys and Tata are scouring the world for highly skilled talent, and they say they will pay the prevailing wage for new hires in Japan, the United States, and England.

    This summer, Infosys will train 300 graduates it recruited from American colleges. The new employees will receive starting salaries of $55,000 after completing a six-month course at the firm's training facility in Mysore, India. The recruits will then start full-time jobs in the company's offices in Texas, Arizona, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, or California. Infosys trains recruits in India to acquaint them with the firm's culture and with their Indian colleagues.

    Matt Sorge, 23, will graduate from MIT with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering next month. Four weeks later, he'll fly to the Infosys training center in Mysore.

    A native of Oklahoma, Sorge met an Infosys representative at an MIT job fair last fall and was struck by the firm's offer and the chance to work abroad.

    "When Infosys started talking about being with a global team, it seemed like an exciting industry," said Sorge. "So, I figured skewing my career path a little might be more beneficial to me. They're basically giving me an education in computer science, something I would otherwise have to pay for."

    Infosys, the second-largest information technology consulting firm in India with $2.15 billion in revenue and more than 52,000 employees worldwide, says there are advantages to hiring a global workforce. "We're hoping to bring a different kind of diversity to our workplace," said Bikramjit Maitra, head of human resources at Infosys. "For us, diversity is a way to encourage innovation."

    Since India has become a center for computer science, firms can teach new hires in India, where there is state-of-the-art training, said Surya Kant, president of Tata Consultancy Services America.

    At Tata, new hires and professionals train in their own countries and then travel to India for orientation or full-time work. Tata employs 62,000, including 9,500 Americans, who mostly work in the United States.

    Michael McCabe, a spokesman for Tata Consultancy Services North America, said the quest for talent in India is driving the push to recruit skilled workers from other fields.

    "We have a robust and aggressive talent acquisition plan to tackle recruiting in 34 countries around the globe, including the United States," said McCabe. "We want to grow in every geography."

    Diane E. Lewis can be reached at dlewis@globe.com.

    Perform a new search

    Link to the article:



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  • Ramba
    04-16 03:25 PM
    Thats why I recommend paper file.

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  • Marphad
    02-25 08:38 AM
    The title of this thread should be: "God of Cricket".

    Don't believe me... Just Google (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=God+of+Cricket&aq=f&aqi=g1g-m2&aql=&oq=) with these words.:)



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  • paskal
    06-13 02:49 PM
    Americans want immigrants like yourself who follow the rules and contribute to American society; it is our valued tradition. What we don't want is illegals walking all over our laws. The illegals hurt lawfull immigrants. I married an immigrant who followed the rules, she's very bitter over the way this country is pandering to the Hispanic Reconquista crowd. Americans don't want the amnesty, but the government is pushing for it. Legal immigrants and applicants, IMO, should stand up and be heard to fight anmesty as well.

    we simply lack the power to fight that battle....
    as it is we can barely get anyone to understand our problems, if on top of that half the lawmakers dissmiss us for being against their agenda, where would we be?
    in a ballott here, you would not find too mnay here that supports an amnesty i suspect.

    time zones of world. Five Time Zones The World
  • Five Time Zones The World

  • senthil1
    05-07 12:42 AM
    Sen Sessions is not only person who is opposing Cir/skil.There are many people in the Senate are opposing. Everyone knows that congress is evenly divided on immigration. But 10 Senators can make a big difference if some compromise bill is introduced. So anything can happen in next 2 months in immigration. Sometimes short time is advantage as they may pass bill in a hurry and lot of provisions may be passed without big visiblity.

    No one can predict at this point of time. The optimism
    is thinning every day. So far nobody could come up
    with anything that is agreeable.

    Our best friend Sen. Sessions is trying his best
    to distroy any bill. Now he is trying to propose and
    implement a point based system. Who know when
    the point base system is ready for discussion he
    will propose a DNA based system....

    So my friend I'm scared to hope on immi
    sector. Good luck to you



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  • krishnam70
    08-14 11:32 PM

    Assuming that one has file for the I-485 - just wanted to clarify that EAD/AP can be filed even if the priority dates are not current. In other words, EAD/AP has no dependency on the priority date being current.


    PD is applicable only to 485 and has no bearing on EAD and AP. You can always apply for EAD and AP if you already have a 485 receipt.


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  • greencardfever
    06-16 09:53 PM
    I contacted University Y, but they said they don't keep I-20 copies that are 7 years old.

    But you're saying that if I contact SEVIS, they should be able to give me a copy of my University Y I-20?


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  • Saralayar
    09-02 10:50 AM
    I'm just curious as there has been approvals contrary to the bulletins in the years before. Please don't flame me as i'm just looking for any signs of hope around the corner for the EB3 folks.
    Yes lot of EB3 approvals for many in their SWEET DREAMS.. yesterday night...:)

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  • united states time zone

  • sgX05
    02-17 08:30 AM
    Another update on 485 today after it was transferred to TSC...

    "The I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office."

    time zones of world. WORLD TIME ZONES

  • pankaj_singal
    11-18 11:04 PM
    This is a situation with my friend that I am posting under my name...

    Questions are mostly related to regarding EAD situation
    1. My friend is on H1 and have EAD (June'07 filer) for both him and his spouse... his spouse (secondary aplicant) is currently working on her EAD.. If his company lays him off... Would his wife have any effect on her employment?
    2. Could he renew my EAD/AP on my own with no employer support (despite he has no job)
    3. What if he goes to India on AP (or otherwise).. would that have effect on his wife's EAD/employment? If he goes to India on AP.. for how long could he go?
    4. Could he take up any job and keep switching till priority date becomes current? Also what happens if and when priority date becomes current?


    07-11 01:36 PM
    Nope, just being 'current' doesn't mean everybody will get their GC.

    PD movement temporary, Retro permanent.

    1 year from now, only EB3-Indians with PDs of 2001-2006 will hang on the IV website. Everybody else(or atleast 99%) will be gone...

    07-18 11:13 AM
    Ok then i volunteer to bump this thread :) Only problem is that still will not push thid topic way up.

    There was a suggestion to send flowers to the core team, let us instead send donations. I am SURE that the core team needs contributions more than flowers.

    Howzzat about the $5 contribution suggestion, with each contribution we lose some percentage as taxes and feees. I am not saying we contribute $10 EVERY month, but can the members not make a ONE TIME contribution of TEN DOLLARS?

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